Monday, July 26, 2010

our trip to california (comic con)

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Wow, I feel like I've been away from the internet world for sooo long! There is so much to update you on! Dave and I just got back from vacation (in California) yesterday and we are pooped.

I thought we would have internet access on this trip but turns out the access was quite limited. So all the updates I wanted to do along the way didn't get done! The last 3 days of our trip we did get free unlimited access but we changed the permission settings on our laptop to enhance security and ended up locking ourselves out! Murphy's law? Anyway, we had a great time.  Here is a short summary of what we did:

- Golfed in Palm Springs - It was crazy hot and we were the ONLY golfers on the course that day. We had to play though as there was just nothing else to do out there! At least we can say we did it.
- Went to Disneyland - It was my 1st time ever and finally full-filled a childhood dream.
- Went to Universal Studios
- Spent a night in LA. The night we were there it happened to be the premiere of the movie SALT. We spotted some stars: Brangelina, Naomi Watts and Liev Schrieber, Jon Voight...we also attended a concert at the Hollywood Bowl (the best time on the trip I have to say)
- And finally, we attended the Comic Con in San Diego! This was the main purpose of our trip to Cali. It was crazy busy and we had lots of fun. I even wore a Puppy Jones t-shirt because it is my favorite comic of course! :)

There is so much we wanted to do and see but once you pick a room you are pretty much stuck in there, otherwise you loose your seat and can't get in anywhere else. Some of the panels we saw included: Tron Legacy, Megamind, RED, Expendables, The Simpsons, Fringe, Chuck, V for Visitors....One of the definite highlights though was when we met Snoopy! He was so sweet and cuddly.

Charlie Brown and Snoopy were on the cover of the Comic Con programs - they are celebrating 60 years in the industry! Wow 60 years. Go Snoopy! 

It was a great trip. We had lots of fun but its nice to be back home with the bb's. I missed them so much! We even drew our latest comic about how much we miss them! :)

Well, its getting late. Hampton is ringing his bell for his late night potty break so better go. Thanks for reading about our trip. 


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