Sunday, January 19, 2014

feeling overwhelmed!

It's time to re-vamp our website. I have also been meaning to start blogging again and posting more of our photos and comics on our website but feeling stuck on where to start. Especially with all the social media apps etc etc out there, it feels a bit overwhelming.

I've mostly been using facebook and a teeny bit of twitter but like everyone else I'm getting bored of facebook. Not sure if I'm too late for pinterest, I love instagram but only have a personal private profile, I'm still not sure about Google + (are people using it now?) and what do I do with whatever else is out there? aaaahhhhh!!!!! :)

I guess I should just start with this website. I admit I've been neglecting it because it's so easy to just post on facebook. But I don't want facebook to take place of what we originally started here and I don't want all our stuff stored on Zuckerpoo's site.

I shouldn't let laziness and wanting to revamp the website be a reason to stop blogging. One step at a time, ok that's what I'll blogging and posting back on our site, while working on the re-vamp. Thanks for listening... :)
